Dear Blossom Families,
We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and are excited to have you back with us! This time of year is a beautiful opportunity to spend time with our families and show gratitude for those we love, so let us say how much we love and appreciate all of you! It brings us so much joy to spend time and learn from your little ones, and we are grateful for them every day!
We ended our study on Winter Celebrations, and it was exciting to learn about what celebrations are held worldwide, including here in Oregon! We spent some time learning about Diwali’s customs and made our own rangoli artworks. We learned about the traditions of Christmas in France, Mexico, and Germany. With this, we had a visit from France’s Papa Noel as we observed one of their traditions of putting our shoes out during naptime. We also made paper lanterns like the Posadas festival in Mexico and homemade ornaments as we learned about Germany! We then spent some time learning about the holidays each family in our classroom celebrated and shared beautiful traditions and pictures. We next learned about the holiday of Hanukkah and even learned how to play a game of dreidel! We ended our study by learning about the many holidays spent observing the Winter Solstice and then made some Kwanzaa crafts! With all this celebrating, ending this Study was difficult.
In January, we will introduce our new study, “Germs and the Body.” We are excited to learn about the intricate systems that help our bodywork and how to keep it active and healthy. We will first discuss Germs and Hygiene and how hygiene can affect and help keep our bodies healthy. We will then be going into depth about the different systems of our body– the skeletal system, the muscular system, the digestive system, and finally, the circulatory system. If you have any materials, artifacts, stories, or photographs to enrich our explorations, please let us know!
Our class has already shown interest in learning about how the body works and is constantly seeking answers to questions like How do we move? How do our muscles work? How can we sit? We are excited to provide means for the class to learn the answers to these questions and many more! Questions are the beginning of exploration and the key to having a passion for learning.
A few brief notes:
- Please make sure your child has all of their winter gear each week. This includes a snowsuit, jacket, hat, gloves, and boots. Come rain or shine, we go outside!
- Check your child’s take home folder. They fill it up with artwork nearly every week!
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” Jim Rohn
We hope you have a wonderful new year!
All the love,
Blossom teachers