Big Seed Families,

We hope all our moms had a fantastic Mother’s Day! Our Big Seeds loved contributing to your gift! Don’t worry, dads—we didn’t forget about you guys. We will soon start getting those little hands in action for Father’s Day!

We can officially say summer weather is finally here! All our big seeds have loved getting outside to play with water or get sprayed by our “Bug Repellent,” also known as water.

This month, we learned about bugs and blooms. We explored and searched our sensory table for all kinds of bugs! We found grasshoppers, flies, ladybugs, and more. We also created some bugs that would come home with us, so WATCH OUT FOR BUGS AT HOME! 

June’s study will be “Things that GO.” We will explore transportation, including cars and trucks! You can expect to see our Big Seeds on the move!

This Months Signs: 

  • Car 
  • Help 
  • Thank you

This Months Songs: 

  • Wheels on the bus 
  • Here comes the fire truck 

This Months Books:

  • Things That Go

Monthly Updates:

  • Alice loves playing in the dirt outside. She fills buckets with dirt and brings them to different areas on our playground, dumps the dirt out, and fills it up again.
  • Bode has grown so much over the last month. He is learning his body parts and points to them while reading books. Bode loves to look at all the different bugs in the dirt outside. 
  • Brody has loved climbing the climber all by himself. He loves it when the Seedlings come outside to play with us. He gives them hugs and is always playing with them.
  • Jordan is officially walking! He has even started running and catching up with his older friends! We have seen so much growth from him cognitively and physically, and we can’t wait to hear him start talking!
  • Mary loves going up and down our climber outside. She and Norah will walk up it while saying “up, up, up.” She is independent and loves helping her friends in any way she can.
  • Norah loves all the new bugs and flowers outside. She sits and watches ants crawl outside, and you can always catch her with a flower or leaf in her hand. 
  • Owen has been loving the warm weather and runs around whenever we are outside! He loves showing his friends things he finds inside and outside. He is also starting to form one- and two-word sentences and communicate what he wants. 
  • Savannah was the first to figure out how to get over the climber alone! Her friends are not far behind her, though. 

Monthly reminders:

  • Remember to check your child’s art folder.
  • We will play with more water as the weather warms, so please ensure your child has appropriate clothes for the warm weather. 

Happy Father’s Day, Big Seed Dads!

Maryanne and Maria

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