Big Seed Families,

We hope all of our dads enjoyed their aprons. With all this warm weather, you may be able to wear them while BBQing. Our friends had so much fun making them. 

This month we explored transportation. The Big Seeds zoomed outside and played with dump trucks, school buses, and many different kinds of vehicles. We all got to hop aboard thechoo choo trainand make our own trains. They filled their dump trucks with dirt and made dirt piles all over the playground. We watched as trucks, cars, ambulances, and semi-trucks drove by every day and made corresponding sounds. We listened for sirens, train horns, loud cars, car horns, and all the other sounds around us. We also took advantage of the warm weather and played with boats in our water table. The Big Seeds love splashing the water and getting super wet!

We will be stomping and roaring our way through July

This month’s signs:

  • Dinosaur
  • Thank you

This month’s books: 

  • Dinosaurs and diggers
  • How dinosaurs go to school

This month’s songs: 

  • 10 Little Dinosaurs 
  • We Are the Dinosaurs

This time of year, we begin preparing our Big Seeds for the Sprout room in September. We will practice:

  • Drinking out of an open cup
  • Scraping our plates
  • Putting their blankets away
  • Independently washing hands and face
  • The coat trick (oh yeah! they have this one mastered)

With these new skills, spills will inevitably happen, so double-check that your child extra clothes in their cubbie.

Monthly Updates

  • Alice moved from saying “nana” to adding more words to her speech adventure. We have heard words like “no, please, Mary, and bo.” Alice has loved playing with trucks in the dirt and transferring dirt from one truck to another. 
  • Bode had a blast this month with the new trucks and helicopters.! He figured out that one of the helicopters made a different sound depending on how many times you pressed the button. Every time a new toy is pulled out, he gets so excited and has the biggest smile on his face
  • Brody has made the best of being the tallest in the classroom and has become aware of when friends need help throwing away their paper towels. He pretended he was the bus driver outside and would sit on the school bus and ride around. 
  • Jordan has hopped on the babbling train and has started putting a name to all his friends’ faces, especially Bode. As he points to him, you will hear a “Bo” coming from Jordan. Jordan loves singing Wheels on the Bus and has almost all of the hand movements memorized. 
  • This month, Mary has shown us that she is a leader. She enjoys leading her friends through the playground by walking around in a line and holding hands.
  • Norah has been loving learning some numbers like 1,2,3,4,5. When reading Chug Chug Tractor, she immediately puts up one finger and is excited to start counting, especially when it’s time to say 2! Norah quickly learned to put her arm up and pull it down when saying “choo choo” like a train and running around the playground yelling “choo choo.
  • Owen repeats words he hears during our circle time, like “up up, beep beep, choo choo, truck, truck, red, red.” He loves pretending he is an airplane flying in the sky by putting his arms out and running around. 
  • Savannah has been showing her friends her sweet side. She wants to hug everybody and lie down with them on our foam mat. She also loves sitting in the kitchen and making food for her friends.


  • We would appreciate it if you would provide a hat for your child to wear outside. 
  • The Growing Tree will be closed on July 4th 
  • GT Annual summer barbecue is July 24th; I hope to see you all there!

Enjoy your month, Maryanne and Maria

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