Dear Branch Families,

What an amazing, wonderful month September was! The Branchers had such a smooth transition into their new classroom. They have done a fantastic job at getting acquainted with not only new teachers in a new classroom but also new stations, new activities, and new adventures! We discussed the rules and safety of the classroom inside and out as a whole group. Knowing and understanding their new environment is key to having fun and keeping safe. “We have rules to keep us safe” is one of our classroom’s motto, which we use rather frequently to ensure that our new Branchers are having fun and being mindful of safety. So far, we’re off to a fantastic start!

As a new class, we discussed ourselves as individuals and what made us unique and special. “I’m Special, I am Me” is a book we incorporated into our morning circle time. This book provided many different ways each child is unique in their own way and to embrace our differences and qualities! We also enjoyed listening to and learning the song “The One and Only You” by the Juicebox Jukebox. We then had each child think about what made him/her unique and what they love about themselves. We had some pretty spectacular and well-thought-out answers! As an art activity, each student was asked to draw a picture of themselves…and the term “self-portrait” was introduced…

Using only a mirror, a pencil, a single piece of paper, and a little imagination, each Brancher was asked to draw what appeared as they saw their reflection in the mirror. They observed their face, ears, eyes, nose, hair, and even eyebrows and eyelashes…and with that, each Brancher became their very own artist! Watching them beam with great smiles and laugh at their facial expressions while peering into the mirror was priceless! The Branchers quickly understood the concept, and they all did an excellent job adding the details of their face onto their paper. Self-portraits are one of our favorite activities, so we will incorporate them each month. We will hang up their self-portraits on the classroom bulletin board each month, so be sure to check them out each month!

As we ventured through September, we began our GERM study. What better way to introduce germs, proper hand washing, and good hygiene than in a new classroom environment in the first month? We discussed and discovered that everyone has germs, both good ones and bad ones. Some germs help us stay healthy, and some can make us sick. We also discovered that good hand washing is critical to preventing sickness and germ control. Each Brancher learned a fun singing activity as they washed their hands. “Wash, wash, wash your hands” is a self-explanatory song title, but excellent hand-washing results! We also incorporated many fun whole-group activities, including “Icky Sticky Sherm the Germ,” which was quite a hit! 

Because germs are so tiny, they cannot be seen alone with the human eye, visual activities were set in place to educate our ever-so-inquisitive branchers further. Using pom-poms, we demonstrated the importance of covering and catching your sneezes and coughs. When using a tissue, your germs (pom-poms)stay confined, but germs (pom-poms) go everywhere when tissue is not used! Throwing dozens and dozens of pom-poms out with a pretend sneeze served as a visual of how easily they are spread.

Visual germ science and education didn’t stop there, as we incorporated glitter into our next experiment.” Glitter Handshake” was next on our learning agenda! By sprinkling glitter into our hands, Ms. Heather and I began shaking hands with each Brancher. Each Brancher was then asked to shake hands with their circle time neighbor. When all the handshakes were given, they were asked to look at their hands. The discovery of glitter all over their hands was a great way to simulate germs with glitter, providing a different perspective on germs and sharing them with a straightforward handshake. 

Another fun hands-on activity we shared at circle time involved a clear liquid (Glo Germ) and a black light. Each Brancher was given a small amount of the liquid and asked to rub it into their hands, between their fingers, and on the tops of their hands. The lotion seemingly disappeared, or so we thought! Next, we got out the black light and the Branchers could see how their hands GLOWED with “germs!”  Each Brancher was then excused one by one to wash their hands with soap and water and return to the circle. The Branchers could see which hard-to-reach spots they might be missing, such as the backs of their hands or between their fingers. With improper hand washing, such as not using soap or rushing through the process, they learned their hands would glow in the dark because the liquid was still on them. However, the Branchers observed that their hands did not glow with proper handwashing. Although anything that glows is pretty awesome to the Branchers, dirty glowing hands are not. 

As September ended, it is safe to say that being a Brancher is pretty awesome! We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each and every one of our new students as well as their fun personalities. The transition into the Branch classroom has been almost flawless, and we are pleased with the eagerness to learn the classroom’s ins and outs. October will bring more art, science, games, and circle time activities as we  “Fall into Autumn…with our 5 senses”. Apple tasting, applesauce making, and pumpkin carving…oh my! With all the sights, smells, and tastes of Autumn, we’re sure to have a deliciously educational month!

Our Family board is coming together and looking rather fabulous. We have moved the family pictures from the Bud room, but please feel free to bring in new photos!  We enjoy seeing all the beautiful faces and families!

Happy Fall!  Miss Gracen and Miss Heather

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