Welcome to the Big Seeds room!

It has been an amazing first month together! We loved spending time with all your Big Seed and getting to know them. We want to thank all of our parents for their patience and support this first month as we start transitioning into new routines for our Big Seeds. So far, everyone is doing fantastic, and we are all making it to lunchtime, haha! We are excited to see what this year brings us.


We learned All About Us! We created our first art project, “Apple handprints” The Big Seeds discovered their spark of magic came from within themselves. They also found their favorite noise making machine in the classroom, the sensory bottles!


Our study is “ Hello Fall”  We will explore the beautiful leaves that fall on our playground and create our own Big Seed pumpkin patch. We might even find a scarecrow or corn maze along the way.

October Books:

  • Where Is Baby’s Pumpkin
  • The Legend of the Great Pumpkin
  • Because of an Acorn
  • Pete the Cat  Five Little Pumpkins
  • The Autumn Visitors

Songs of the month: 

  • Itsy Bitsy Spider 
  • 10 Little Spiders,
  • 5 Little Pumpkins
  • The Leaves are Falling Down

Big Seed Happenings

  • Elliott loves fruit and enjoys every second of his time outside. 
  • Sydney will brighten up anybody’s day with her big smile. She also makes sure to blow kisses to friends when they are sad!
  • Eliza is very determined. When she sets her mind to something, she follows through! She loves to shake the sensory bottles and make noise!
  • Luca loves waving to the dog that walks by every day when we are outside. He also enjoys singing songs, all while clapping and swaying to the beat!
  • Elle enjoys watching the rings twirl down the ring stacker toy. She also has great rhythm dancing and clapping to our songs at circle time.
  • Lily enjoys shaking the sensory bottles, & playing with the pop-up farm animal toy.


As Fall approaches, the temperature can vary significantly throughout the day. We spend time outside daily, so they must have clothes to layer to be comfortable; this includes light and heavy jackets, socks, and shoes. 

The Big Seed room will spend time outside all winter so your child will need the following at school:

  • Snowsuit: we prefer the one-piece suits; if you can find one with the fold over cuffs for their hands, we would appreciate it
  • Boots
  • Hat
  • Mittens (two pairs please)
  • Please label all clothing
  • If you haven’t already done so, we would love a family picture to add to our “Family Board.”

We hope to see you at the DD Ranch on October 5th to celebrate Fall.

Best, Stacey and Maria

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