Dear Bud Families,

Hello, October! We can’t believe how fast this first month in The Bud room has flown by. We’ve enjoyed getting to know your families more this past month and introducing your children to their new classroom! Our goal is for your child’s learning and classroom experience to be a place of comfort, encouragement, and a space where they feel safe to explore and learn.

We had a lot of fun exploring September’s unit on “Emotions.” Our Buds have done excellent at identifying their emotions and feelings and are noticing their friend’s emotions as well! The Buds have been learning to take deep breaths and calm our bodies when big emotions come our way. We encourage them to take breaks when needed and ask for help. We will continue to use these skills throughout the year and incorporate them into our monthly Studies.

October’s study is Fairy Tales! We will be reading and using concepts from the stories The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything, The Runaway Pancake, The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks, The Three Bears, and a few more. This time of year, there are so many beautiful colors and textures that we will be bringing into the classroom and using to make our fairy tales come to life! 

The Bud Room encourages your child’s autonomy and independence. “I can do it” is a form of active learning that promotes independence and fosters confidence. Here are some “I can do it” work your Buds are currently working on and are great to practice at home as well:

  • Cleaning up from meals & snack times
  • Putting on socks & shoes
  • Pushing in their chair
  • Washing hands and face

Your Buds have learned many new classroom expectations and responsibilities and are catching on fast! Moving from smaller class sizes to the Bud room can significantly change in many ways. Routine and consistency are crucial to your Buds’ learning and making this transition as smooth as possible. We will continue to give reminders on our daily schedule and the general rules we have in the classroom!


  • While it can be warm in the afternoons, having a coat that can stay at school is perfect for days when it is unexpectedly cold. We would also love it if clothing items could be labeled with the child’s name!
  • We work very hard on potty training throughout the year, but accidents happen, so having at least 1 set of extra clothes is lovely. We will give reminders if we are running low on anything.
  • On Fridays, the Buds work on packing their bags with their blankets and stuffies to take home for washing, and please return with them on Monday. 
  • With our first month behind us, we plan to incorporate more artwork and projects into our daily schedule. Check your child’s art folder often, as it fills up quickly!


  • While it can be warm in the afternoons, having a coat that can stay at school is perfect for days when it is unexpectedly cold. We would also love it if clothing items could be labeled with the child’s name!
  • We work very hard on potty training throughout the year, but accidents happen, so having at least 1 set of extra clothes is lovely. We will give reminders if we are running low on anything.
  • On Fridays, the Buds work on packing their bags with their blankets and stuffies to take home for washing, and please return with them on Monday. 
  • With our first month behind us, we plan to incorporate more artwork and projects into our daily schedule. Check your child’s art folder often, as it fills up quickly!

Thank you for helping fill our family picture board. The children enjoy seeing their families posted in the classroom. We always love new pictures, so feel free to bring more if you would like!

Best Wishes Always,

Ms. Stephanie, Ms. Maci, &  Ms. Gale

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