Seedling Families,

October was such a great month for our Seedling room. We had two new friends, Milo and Thomas join our class, and we have enjoyed getting to know them.

We did our first art project, and a lot of tickles and giggles went into making our BOO signs. These little ones love to be sung to. Some of their favorites are Wheels On The Bus, The Ants Go Marching, Old McDonald Had A Farm, and Baby Beluga.

Colette has decided that she belongs with the Big Seeds. She has been spending a lot of time playing, eating, and napping with them, and we feel she is ready. We will miss her silly smile.

Avery started crawling and is trying to pull herself up to a stand. She is also spending time with the Big Seeds and is working on eating at the table and drinking from a cup. 

Wesley is busy as always and has mastered pulling herself onto her feet on the shelves, window sills, and activity cube. Now, she needs to master bending her knees to get down. 

Wolf is starting to sit with support and showing off how to roll from his back to his belly. He is picking up toys with purpose and bringing them to his mouth to chew on.

Kollins sits independently and loves bouncing along to the music when we sing. Every time we start to sing a song, Kollins lights up with a smile and gives all her attention.

Our two new friends, Thomas and Milo, are birthday buddies! Both were born on July 17th. They fit right in with the rest of the group with big smiles and much to say. 

Thomas enjoys the company of his friends and will often reach for a friend’s hand and offer a smile when they are close. He is also starting to bat and play with his gym toys.

Milo is a rockstar with his tummy time and is even reaching out to touch things in front of him.

Lonnie is sitting with support and enjoying playing with the spinners on the mirror and the activity cube, which has many moving parts. He can manipulate parts of the cube with his fingers. He also loves a good chew toy for those tender gums.

Beckham is reaching for toys on his tummy, rolling to his side to play, and batting at the hanging toys on his gym with an open hand. He will also grasp toys we put in his hands.

We would love to get more family pictures up on our family board. Please bring a picture,

 it doesn’t have to be professional, and we will put it on the board. As the babies get older and learn to recognize themselves and their loved ones, it is fun to show them pictures of their families and their friends’ families.

We have another fun project planned for this month, and it is a favorite tradition we have been following for several years. We hope you love it!

Have a great month!

Miss Jolene and Miss Devi

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