Seedling Families,

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a fantastic Holiday and enjoyed the footprint snowmen and reindeer. Thank you for all the cards, gifts, and well wishes. We feel blessed to have such an amazing group of babies and parents.

These past few months have flown by, and our tiny, helpless infants have grown into independent, mobile, and talkative individuals, each with their personalities, strengths, and preferences. It has been such a joy watching them grow.

This month, we are excited to welcome Maisy to our group. We look forward to getting to know her and her family.

Seedling Milestones:

As expected, Wesley is walking into the new year after taking her first steps over Christmas break. She is working on her confidence by taking short walks between furniture, toys, and people. 

Kollins is getting on her feet and trying to sidestep around the cube. She is also trying out her balance, letting go with one hand. Getting down is a little scarier, but she is figuring it out with a bit of support and encouragement. 

Wolf is also working on getting to his feet but prefers to practice on the soft cushions and teachers for now. He is also learning to make a lot of new sounds and enjoys being part of the conversation. He is doing great with his finger foods and purees.

Lonnie is commando crawling around the room to get toys and visit his friends. He’s still skeptical about the purees but does like to suck on pieces of fruits and veggies. He loves playing peek-a-boo.

When playing in the u cushion, Beckham has learned to turn himself over and pull his knees up under himself so he can lean his stomach on the pillow and play with toys. He is also sitting independently.

Thomas can roll from his back to his belly and is figuring out how to get to toys and friends by rolling. He is pushing up and kicking his legs, trying to move forward. He is a social little guy and appreciates having a friend or teacher nearby for moral support. 

Milo almost rolls from his back to his belly but can’t quite get that arm out from under his chest. He is content to lay on his side to play with toys and nap. He also looks at you and smiles like he just told the best joke.

We still need family pictures for our board! Bring in those pictures from the Holidays. We love candid shots.

We hope everyone has a fabulous New Year! 

Miss, Jolene, Miss Devi and Miss Blanca

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