Welcome to the Big Seeds room!
Welcome to February! It has been a fantastic start to the year with these adventurous Big Seeds. We started the year by exploring many animal friends who sleep all winter long (friends in hibernation). By chance, did you notice the new addition to the class? It’s our bear cave. We enjoyed listening to the bears snoozing in the bear den. The Big Seeds loved exploring and hibernating in it.
This month, our study is Love is in the air. We will read about the love we receive from others like our Moms and Dads. We learn about the love we can give our families and friends. So be ready to be blown away by all the love our Big Seeds will offer you.
February Books:
- Daddy Calls Me Doodlebug
- Mommy Calls Me Lovebug
- Hedgehugs
- I Love All of Me
- I Love You, You Love Me
- Skidamarink a Dinky Dink
- If You Love Me and You Know It
January -Highlights:
Avery has been trying to use sign language to communicate with us & she is trying to climb up the climber in our room now. She has also been using the push toys outside & in the classroom to practice her walking skills.
Colette uses her sign language to communicate more & tries to use the movements we practiced for the songs we sing at circle time. She also loves to wind down by sitting on the couch & reading a book by herself.
Eliza has been using more words to communicate with us recently. She talks about familiar objects she sees in the books we’ve read and the colors and animal sounds we have learned.
Elle has become very interested in reading books & loves doing the movements to the action songs we dance to.
Lily loves playing musical instruments while we dance to our action songs. She also enjoys when we practice coloring and loves to play pretend with the baby dolls.
Elliott has become good buddies with Luca. They currently LOVE playing in the Bear Den together. He has also learned to use a few Spanish words from Luca and Ms. Blanca.
Sydney loves being a mommy and taking care of her baby dolls. She also loves rocking in the boat outside on the playground as we sing, “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.
Luca does a great job communicating his needs to us with the new words he’s learning. He signs and uses both English and Spanish words to communicate.
Happy Valentines Day
Stacey, Maria, and Blanca