Dear Bud Families,
Hello February! We are already on to the second month of the new year. Can you believe it? January was filled with exploration– not just of the Arctic but of each child’s independence. We have seen such growth coming from each of the children in our classroom. Whether it has been taking charge of their potty work, learning to put on their snowsuits and boots, expressing their emotions, or one of the most incredible things we have seen happening in our classroom– empathy for our classmates. We have seen so many instances of them recognizing their feelings as well as the feelings of their classmates.
Some highlights of our Arctic exploration month were experimenting with different types of utensils for painting, such as cotton balls, forks, and droppers! We also dove into learning about animals in the Arctic, both big and small, and what life might look like for them. We have explored through videos how they move and the sounds they make.
Our February study is the “Body.” Here are some questions we hope to answer:
- Labeling our body parts.
- What is exercise, and why do we do it?
- Why do we need food ?
- What are bones, and what do they do?
- Why do we need sleep?
At Growing Tree, we play outside several times a day, no matter what the weather brings. It truly is the best part of their day. The Buds enjoyed the “few” snowy days we had in January. We are surely hoping for more! Thanks for helping us stay warm and dry by having snow gear at school. Hurray for adventurous days full of learning!
If your child has soiled clothing, either from potty accidents or messy play, it will be put in a baggie and placed above their cubby in the blue basket to be sent home. Please replace the items sent home so we still have an extra set.
We would appreciate it if you continued to label all items sent to school. Items tend to get placed in the wrong cubbies as these Buds learn ownership! As their teachers, we work hard to ensure everything goes home with the right family.
Valentine’s Day: Card Exchange!! This is not required but a lot of fun for the children. See the Growing Tree Newsletter for more information.
Growing Tree Closed
Monday, February 17th, Presidents Day. Thank you all for a fantastic January! We’re looking forward to another wonderful month.
Best Wishes Always,
Ms. Stephanie, Ms. Maci, and Ms. Gale