Seedling Families,
It was TEETH month in the Seedling room! We had so many teething friends last month; many have something to show. Kollins, Thomas, Beckham, Milo, Maisy, and Wolf had a first tooth pop through, and many are already working on a second and third one. It was a lot of work for these littles, but we got through it with teethers, cold, wet rags, cold treats, and a lot of extra snuggles!
Monthly Highlights:
Kollins is working on her balance by pulling to a stand and letting go to stand independently. First steps are coming soon!
Our new friend Maisy has settled in and is busy crawling and pulling herself up to a stand. She has enjoyed exploring all the new things our class has to offer, clapping games, and lots of snuggles.
Lonnie is on the move and enjoying his mobility. He commando crawls around the room and looks for friends and toys to play with. He is starting to try more foods and is a big fan of anything wrapped in a tortilla.
Wolf crawls, pulls to a stand, and side-steps around the shelves and furniture. He enjoys trying new foods from the Growing Tree menu and tries to sneak next door every chance he gets to see what the big kids are doing.
Beckham is sitting confidently, crawling, and trying hard to pull to a stand. With some help getting up, he will stand and play at the cube for several minutes with a smile.
Thomas has mastered sitting. His big focus has been on helping those teeth break through. He especially loves the frozen silicone popsicles we offer him when things get rough.
Milo’s little feet are always moving like he’s running a marathon. We have started setting up kick stations on the mirrors, the activity cube and under his gym so he can use his hands and feet to play simultaneously.
Wesley has become a confident walker. On February 24th, she will celebrate her 1st Birthday! Wesley enjoys visiting and playing with the Big Seeds class. After all, they have her favorite “baby doll” that she enjoys carrying around the classroom.
Have a great month!
Ms. Jo, Miss Devi, and Ms. Blanca