Seedling Families,

We hope all our dads had an amazing Father’s Day and enjoyed the cards. This was the happiest bunch of Darth Vaders and Yodas we have ever photographed. If you would like a copy of your child’s pictures, please let Miss Jo know what phonenumber you would like it texted to, and she will get it to you.

Our Seedling room is starting to look and feel more like a toddler room every day. Little ones are walking everywhere, sitting at the table for meals and learning to use plates and spoons, working on their communication skills with teachers and peers, using words and signs, and learning more new skills every day.

Winter, Blake, and Cadence are confident walkers who are starting to chase each other, play hide and seek, and catch bubbles in the play yard. They climb up the steps and ladders, turn around to sit, and slide down independently. Wynter is signing water, more, and all done and can say several words like hi, bye, no, and ball. Blake still loves her books and asks us to read Mouse’s Valentine’s Day multiple times a day and often keeps it safe, carrying it around. Cadence is a little helper and asks to help walk the laundry down to put it in the wash.

Violet celebrated her first birthday last month and started walking. She has figured out the ball poppers and switches from one to the next. 

Declan has gained enough confidence walking to give up the push toys and explore on his own two feet. He has taken an interest in the little bikes and tractors and loves the slide outside.  

Jaxon and Grady are learning to use push toys and little chairs to practice their walking skills. Their balance and coordination are improving daily. 

Jaxon loves digging in the dirt outside (and sampling it) with shovels, cups, and his hands. Grady is fascinated with the ball popper and o ball, trying to figure out how they work and how to get the balls out.

Sydney is trying her hardest to keep up with the rest of the class. She has started crawling, pulling up to a stand, and even trying to climb up the slides. She wants to eat when her friends eat, drink from a sippy cup, and has lost interest in her bottles. She hates to be left out and is always in the middle of the action.

Most of this group will skip the Big Seed room and move to the Sprout Rooms in September. To help prepare them for that jump, we are introducing:

  • Open-top cups for water while outside and milk at meals. 
  • Using plates, bowls, and spoons 
  • Continuing to work on signs for more, please, milk, water and all done. 
  • Incorporating more circle times, art, and sensory play into our day. 
  • Moving to one nap

We are excited about keeping our little ones a little longer and helping them learn and celebrate new milestones. This has been a great group to watch grow. 

We hope everyone has a safe and awesome July!

Miss Jolene & Miss Devi

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