Sprout 1 Families,

Wow, October flew by like a witch on her broom! The Sprouts have done great getting to know the routine and can now stay awake until naptime. 

October allowed us to start our circle time routine. The Sprouts enjoyed listening to stories and singing songs. The books we enjoyed were Little Blue Truck’s Halloween by Alice Schertle, Llama Llama Trick or Treat by Anna Dewdney, and It’s Pumpkin Day Mouse by Laura Numeroff. We sang Five Little Pumpkins. They all tried to do the hand motions to the songs.

In October, we had great fun learning about Clothes. This month the Sprouts discovered hats in the dress-up area. They enjoyed putting them on and parading around the classroom. In the book area, they enjoyed reading our Fall books. At the sensory table, they found a large pumpkin to explore. They enjoyed pounding on the pumpkin and listening to the sound it made. 

It was a little cooler outside in the morning, so we put on our warm coats. This gave us the opportunity to work on the coat trick, we can proudly say, every Sprout can put their coat on all by themselves. They also liked wearing gloves and hats, although some weren’t sure about the gloves. It was a fun month exploring clothes.

Monthly Highlights:

Jordan enjoyed putting the little green frogs on the big pumpkin in the sensory table. He would smile, point and say “Yook.” 

Cadence had fun practicing her coat trick as the weather got colder. We only had to show her how to do it a few times, and then she did it herself. 

Blake did a great job with all the art projects. She would come running to the table and say, “Me. Me.” 

Violet liked wearing her gloves in the mornings when it was cooler outside. She would shake her hands and smile. 

Declan would stand at the sensory table and pat the pumpkin like a drum. As he patted it, it would sing, “Da. Da.” 

Wynter would sit on the floor in the library area, looking at all the Halloween books. When she was done looking at a book, she smiled and said, “More.” 

Grady also liked to pat the pumpkin. He even tried to take a bite out of it, but he found it a little challenging. 

Jaxon liked to sit in the chair and look at the Halloween books. He always looked content while looking at his books.

It was a fun month doing all our fun activities. We can’t wait to see the adventures that occur in November.

In November, we will study “ SEATS. “ Children interact with various seats throughout the day, from chairs to benches to scooters. During our study of “ SEATS,” the Sprouts will develop:

  •  Gross motor skills as they climb in and out of seats
  • Mathematic skills counting the number of arms and legs on a seat
  • Cognitive skills as they incorporate seats into their pretend play
  • Language skills as they name the different parts of seats 

Here are a few reminders:

  • Please make sure your Sprout has weather-appropriate clothes in their cubby. 
  • Please bring in their snow gear, labeled with your child’s name:
    • Snowsuit
    • Hat
    • Two pair of mittens
    • Boots
  • Monday, November 11th, is conference day. We look forward to connecting with you. 


Teresa, Jennifer, April & Julie

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