“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.” –
Melodie Beattie
Blossom Families,
Happy New Year! We are excited to start 2025 with such adventurous and kind Blossoms! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and were able to spend time together as a family.
We spent the month of December learning about the different holiday traditions celebrated worldwide.
We started with the festival of light, the holiday of Diwali! We read the story of Rama and Sita together and made our very own Rangoli.
Next, we traveled around Europe and learned how Christmas is celebrated in France and Germany. We had a special visitation from Papa Noel from France, made our cinnamon ornaments, and wrote letters to Der Weinnachstman from Germany!
Taking all we learned from Europe, we also went to Mexico and found the similarities and differences in how they celebrate Christmas there. We made our pinatas and celebrated with poinsettias!
We then took some time talking about Hannukah and put our geld skills to the test by playing dreidel. We also made gifts for each other as we learned about Kwannza and exchanged them!
As the new year approached, we also learned how the Winter Solstice is celebrated worldwide.
Nothing compares to the holidays we celebrate at home, however, and each Blossom was able to share the holidays they celebrate and what traditions they and their families do! It was a joy to learn from each of them, and we thank you for sharing photos and traditions!
In January, we will launch our BODY study. These little scientists have already been asking about how our bones can stay in our bodies, what causes owies, and where does the poop go when we eat? We are excited to discover more and put our science skills to the test as we learn more about our bodies!
As always, if you have skills or knowledge about anything we are learning about and would like to share with our class, we would be happy to have you!
Please remember to pack weather-appropriate gear if you haven’t already. We are working hard to track and care for gloves, mittens, hats, coats, and snow pants, so please make sure your child’s winter items are labeled with their name! We also recommend an extra change of warm-weather clothing, including socks.
All of the love,
Miss Madeline, Ms. Stephanie, and Mr. Keegan