Dear Sprout 1 Families,
What a January! The Sprouts are now able to communicate with us using words. We’re enjoying our conversations. Please and thank you are two of their favorite phrases.
In January, we explored Shoes. The Sprouts enjoyed trying on each other’s shoes and snow boots. Some Sprouts can even put their shoes on themselves. They are so proud of themselves. The smile is everything!
Our circle time continues to improve. The Sprouts enjoy story time and learning new songs.
We Read:
- New Shoes, Red Shoes by Susan Rollings,
- Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes by Eric Litwin
- Ten Playful Penguins by Scholastic.
We Sang:
- I’m a Little Snowman
- Bumble Bee. (class favorite)
This month, the Sprouts colored, enjoyed shoe puzzles, played in the sandbox, walked in different shoes, and zoomed around on their bikes. We were busy!
January was fun and exciting. Here is a glimpse of something your Sprout enjoyed in January:
Wynter did a great job with all the art projects this month. She is getting creative with how she colors with markers and paint sticks. Sometimes, she makes little scribbles, and other times, big, long scribbles. She looks very content when she is coloring.
Violet enjoyed the cookies in the dress-up area. She plated the M&M cookies and served them to teachers and friends. We only wish they were edible.
Jaxon had fun trying on each of his friends’ snow boots. He would sit in front of the cubbies, trying each pair on.
Jordan has enjoyed taking our new cleaning supplies and sprucing up the room (not real cleaning supplies). He would hum sometimes when he was cleaning the windows—such a little helper.
Declan had fun sitting at the table doing the puzzle board. He got good at pulling the velcro open and closed. He tried to tie the strings but couldn’t quite get it.
Grady is making sounds and trying to talk to us. He walks around, babbling, “Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.” When we talk respond, he smiles and nods.
Cadence has been working hard to put on her socks and shoes. She needs a little help with her socks but can usually put on her shoes all by herself.
Blake is great at putting on her socks and boots. When we ask her if she needs help, she tells us, “No do self.” So independent.
In February, we will be exploring Boxes. Have you noticed how fascinated your Sprout is with boxes? They probably loved the toys during the holidays but may have been more interested in the box they came in.
As we explore the boxes, your Sprout will use:
- Gross motor skills as they climb in and out of the boxes.
- Social skills as they share a box with a friend.
- Math skills as they compare the sizes of the boxes and count all the boxes
- Imaginations as they create a box into whatever they want
February Reminders:
- On February 14th, we exchange Valentines.
- On February 17th Growing Tree is CLOSED
Have a lovely February and a very Happy Valentine’s Day.
Teresa, Jennifer, April, and Nana Julie