Sprout Families,
Our February study “Me, Myself and I” was a fun success!
Valentine’s Day brought abundant treats and gifts, filling our classroom with excitement. The Sprouts surprised us by recognizing the first letter of each of their friends’ names on the valentine gift bags. They enjoyed distributing their valentines to each of their friends. It was heartwarming to witness them sharing the love. Thank you for making this day so special!
The Sprouts loved learning about their bodies and how they move. We danced A LOT and enjoyed hearing the Sprouts explain how they felt inside!
Favorite songs this month were:
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- The Freeze Dance
The Sprouts enjoyed the “Feelings” chart posted in the classroom. Their faces were hilarious as they mimicked the expressions on the chart!!
Now on to the fun part! Please enjoy some Sprout highlights from this past month!
- Alice is focused and independent, especially when getting snowsuit attire on! She’s able to put her snowsuit on all by herself. The next step is getting that coat zipper zipped!
- Bode also shows his independence by putting his boots on! GO BODE!
- Brody shows determination in everything he does, especially during our Valentine’s Day celebration. He persisted and successfully opened his valentine bag to place his monkey inside. Filled with excitement, he did a joyful “monkey dance” while laughing.
- June actively uses the feelings chart to describe her emotions. We are so proud to watch her recognize and share how she feels. Her favorite feeling on the chart is the silly face! She enjoys making everyone smile!
- Mary particularly enjoyed the sensory art of painting her feet and walking along butcher paper. She marched up and down the paper as proud as can be!
- Norah enjoyed using her pointer finger instead of a paintbrush to paint her Valentine’s Day heart project. She worked diligently and requested more paint more than once. When the project was complete, she offered to wash the paintbrushes. She said, “I helping wash!”
- Owen is very capable of expressing his feelings, which we appreciate. For example: Ms. April said “gotcha” in a deep voice. Some Sprouts giggled, but Owen, kindly spoke, “I don’t like that, Ms. April, too scary”. Thank you Owen
- Savannah has developed a special friendship with her pal Alice as they share an interest in caring for their baby dolls!
- Van’s always ready to sing and dance. This month, he was about the “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes” song. He was adamant about pointing to his wiggly toes each time we sang it!
Looking to March:
We are excited to bounce into our new study: Bubbles & Balls!
Since the beginning of the school year, our Sprouts have shown great interest in balls, making this the perfect subject for them to explore through play, creativity, and hands-on learning.
We will also dive into several new storyboards this month during circle time. We cannot wait to share the experience with you in the April newsletter!
- March Books:
Rosa’s Ball - Pete the Cat Play Ball!
March Songs:
- A Circle is Like a Ball
- Icky Sticky Bubblegum
- Conferences April 18th!
- This time of year is “crazy weather” time. It can go from freezing to balmy at any time during each day. It is nice to have lightweight and heavy apparel for the Sprouts to wear and be comfortable depending on the weather.
- Remember to reset your clocks! On March 9th, clocks spring forward one hour. Hip Hip, Hurray for longer days!
Shamrock ‘n Roll!
Ms. Kelcy, Ms. Yesenia, Ms. April!