February 2025 Calendar:
- Annual Registration Fees are Due
- March 6: Swim Lesson Sign Up
- March 7: First Friday
- March 12: Board Meeting
- March 13: GT Leprechaun arrives
- March 17: St Patrick’s Day
the best luck of all
is the luck
you make
for yourself
Swimming Lessons:
- Swim Sign ups will begin on March 6th.
- GT will transport to and from Juniper Aquatic Center via the GT Van
- Session 1: June 16 -26, 2025 total 8 lessons
- Monday – Thursday
- Cost: $90
Let the Shenanigans Begin:
We are expecting the Growing Tree Leprechauns to arrive on March 13th! It is a fun-filled week with lots of leprechaun shenanigans and looking for the leprechaun’s gold. If the classrooms find the gold, they will receive a wee token of gratitude from their leprechaun on St Patrick’s Day.
Spring Forward:
The clocks jump forward one hour on March 9th. Remember to reset your clocks! Hip Hip, Hurray for longer days!
Spring Conferences:
The teachers are preparing for conferences on April 18th. Please mark your calendar. Conferences will be in-person only. Watch for the sign up sheet mid March.
Immunization Rates:
Growing Tree’s and Deschutes County’s 2024 Immunization Rates are available for review on our website under Parents<Parent Handbook.
Brightwheel Sign In/Out
Please sign your child in and out daily using your Brightwheel App. QR codes are available at the front door and on each classroom window; we even have paper codes for your car as a convenience.
Play Lists:
Class playlists are available on the website under the Parent Tab.
Log-in information is username: parent password: gtcc2023.
Volunteer Hours:
- Take Blue Bags to Bottle Drop – we have 2 full bags ready to go
- Clean rain gutters out.
- Pick up trash and pull weeds around the perimeter of the Center.
First Friday:
Growing Tree provides a parent’s night out on the First Friday of each month. This is an excellent opportunity for a date night or quiet time. The evening includes dinner, crafts, and a movie. Children should bring their pajamas. Our next First Friday is March 7th. Please sign up at the front desk.
- Sign up at the front desk – space is limited.
- Time: 5:30-10:00pm
- Cost: $40 per child Cash, Check or Venmo
- Bring pajamas
- Enjoy your evening
Helpful Hints
- All clothes from home should be labeled with your child’s name.
- Please take your child’s nap supplies home each Friday to wash and return them on Monday.
- Check your child’s file folder on Fridays.
Blue Bags:
- Blue bags are available for your recyclable bottles and cans. Each sleeve of bags earns you one volunteer hour. Please drop your full blue bags at any bottle drop location. If you want to drop off Growing Tree’s recycling at one of the bottle drop locations, you will also earn one volunteer hour. To date, Growing Tree has received over $2000 from your recycling.
- Bottle drop locations
- New bottle drop location at the Albertson on 3rd an Revere.
- Fred Meyer has a bottle drop.
- Bottle Drop 755 NE 2nd St