Dear Sprout 1 Families,

Welcome to March, which will have longer days and little leprechauns. Don’t forget to set your clocks forward on March 9th. We may lose an hour of sleep, but we get more daylight.

In February we explored Boxes. All the Sprouts had fun discovering all the different things you can do with a box.

The Sprouts are enjoying circle time. When the circle ends, a few ask for “more, more”, so we give them an encore of their favorite songs.

Books we read to foster our curiosity about boxes:

  • Not a Box: Antoinette Portis,
  • A Box can be Many Things: Dana Meachen Rau, 
  • Big Box for Ben: Deborah Bruss 
  • What to do with a Box: Jane Yolen and Chris Sheban. 

This month the Sprouts’ favorite song was I Had a Little Turtle. Long after the circle was over, we would hear little voices singing “I had a little turtle….”

Ms. Jennifer got creative and created great activity boxes for the Sprouts. Their favorites were the matching popsicle sticks, the drum boxes, and the hidden object box.

Sprout 1 had boxes to sit in, stack, and fill. At the sensory table, they used scoops to fill their boxes. A favorite activity was putting a string on the boxes, and the Sprouts pulled their boxes around the classroom. 

Outside they had fun sliding down the snow hills the teachers made and tasting the snow to see if it was good. It must have been good because they all ate it.
It was a fun month playing and discovering everything we can do with a box.

Monthly Highlights:

Wynter liked putting the popsicle sticks in the box. When she would get one in, she would clap and say “Did it.” 

Cadence liked to stand on the boxes and feel tall. She would clap and yell “Yeah.” 

Jordan had fun pulling the balls out of the box. He got so excited when he pulled one out, saying “Got it. Got it.” 

Blake liked to sit on the boxes while she held her baby doll. She would rock the baby and say “night night baby.” 

Jaxon also liked to stand on the boxes. When he was on top he would clap and say “Me go be.” aka: I did it!

Grady liked to climb in and on top of different-sized boxes. As he was on them, he would say “Yeah. Yeah.” 

Violet pulled her baby doll all around the room in her box. She would say “baby night night.” 

Declan enjoyed pushing the popsicle sticks in and out of the box, when he had pushed each stick in, he would ask for “more”

February was filled with Sprout Love, and we cannot wait to see what new adventures await us in March.

March Study:

Our Sprouts are always curious about anything we give them to explore, so we are excited to watch them explore “Bags” this month.

As we study bags, they will develop:

  • Fine-motor skills: open, close, and fill bags.
  • Math skills: categorize small, medium, and large 
  • Literacy skills: to label bags: plastic brown, tote

In our Classroom we will:

  • Incorporate books and music into our “BAG” study
  • Explore different art projects we can do with a bag!
  • Use our bags as we go on a scavenger hunt outside

How you can help:

  • Check your child’s cubby to ensure they have a complete set of weather-appropriate clothes.
  • Spring forward your clocks on March 9th.
  • If you have extra bags you would like to bring in, we know our Sprouts will find items to fill them.
  • This time of year is “crazy weather” time. It can go from freezing to balmy at any time during each day. It is nice to have lightweight and heavy apparel for the Sprouts to wear and be comfortable depending on the weather.

Thank you for everything and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Have a great March and St. Patrick’s Day. 

               Teresa, Jennifer, April and Nana Julie

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