Seedling Families,
We hope everyone has had the opportunity to meet our new little friend Hudson. His sister Charlie is in the Blossom Room, and he is Miss Tammy’s grandson. You may see him sometimes hanging out at the front desk for snuggles and feeds.
Our little group is growing up fast. Wesley just celebrated her first Birthday on February 24th and is a confident walker. Maisy’s birthday is on March 25th, followed by Kollins’ on April 12th. They both look like they could take their first steps any day.
This group will stay with us through the summer, and we look forward to the extra time we spend with them watching them grow. Their Seed room experiences will challenge them as their developmental needs progress.
Examples of changes you might see:
- Using a table and a chair for meals
- Introducing sippy cups, plates, and silverware
- Signing words: more, please, water, milk, and all done
- Adding push and pull toys, climbers, and large blocks
- Read books and sing a favorite song together
- Introduce sensory art ie: water play, pudding paint
- As much outside time as weather permits
Wesley, Kollins, Maisy, Lonnie, Wolf, and Beckham have enjoyed eating and socializing at the table during meals. They have even mastered pulling their chair out and climbing up to sit.
Shelf peek-a-boo has become a favorite game for Wesley, Kollins, Maisy, Lonnie, and Wolf. They peek over, through, and around the toy shelf, and once one of them starts the game, they all join in.
Our little boy trio, Thomas, Milo, and Beckham, will roll, scoot, and crawl until they are all in a group so they can hold hands, hug, share toys, and giggle together while watching their big friends play.
The Seeds have been very welcoming to our new little friend Hudson> They have respected his space, offer lots of smiles, and enjoy giving gentle touches with our guidance.
This stage is always rewarding when we see their personalities and friendships grow. It is so fun watching them engage and initiate play with their peers.
Have a great month!
Miss Jolene, Miss Devi and Miss Blanca