Growing Tree Children’s Center

Growing Tree is committed to following the Health & Safety Guidelines set forth by the Early Learning Division (ELD), Oregon Health Authority (OHA), and the Center of Disease Control (CDC) during the COVID19 pandemic.

Our primary goal is to keep children, families, and staff safe and healthy so that we may continue to provide early childhood services to our families. We are asking our Growing Tree community to assist us in maintaining the overall health of the Center.

Center Changes:

  • During COVID our hours of operation are 7:30am – 5:30pm Monday – Friday. We appreciate your promptness in picking your children up on time.
  •  Classrooms will be in “stable groups” of 8 children in our Seed, Big Seed, and Sprout rooms and 20 children in our Bud, Branch, and Blossom rooms. Stable Group meaning, the children are assigned to a classroom with the same children and teachers. No combining of groups will occur inside the classroom or on the playground during COVID19.
  •  We have onboarded the Brightwheel App for contactless check in/out and to allow for engagement between teachers and families.
  • At check in parents will complete a health check on the BW app
  • We are no longer required to take daily temperatures as this is one of the health checks questions. Note: we will always check temps if we have a concern throughout the day
  • Until further notice, parents will not be allowed to enter the Center. Staff will be receiving the children at the front door and deliver them to their classroom. See H&S Guidelines for exceptions.
  • Tours are only given if there is a childcare slot available. Health checks are conducted upon entry and visitor signs into the visitor log. Tours view the classroom through the one-way windows in the hallway and do not enter the classroom.

Social Distancing:

  • Adults will wear face coverings while inside the Center.
  • Children under 2 years may NOT wear a mask. Children over 2 years of age may wear a mask if requested by parent and can meet the requirements on page 32 of H&S Guidelines.
  • Staff are asked to practice physical distancing within the Center with adults and staff who are not in their stable group.
  • Staff and children are NOT required to physically distance from adults or children within their stable group.
  • Meals will be served restaurant style.
  • Increase the space between children at the lunch tables.
  • Naptime cots will be placed 3 feet apart and children will sleep head-to-toe vs head-to-head.

Health Checks

  • Parents will check their child into the Center using the contactless check in/out on the Brightwheel app.
  • At check in parents are required to complete a 3-question health check before children are received into the Center.
  • Staff are required to take the 3-question health check also.
  • A temperature reading of 100.4 is considered a fever. Your child will not be allowed to enter the Center.
  • Children or staff that are exhibiting a fever and no other symptoms may be checked by a medical professional and if cleared may return to work/school following the documented direction of the medical professional and be fever free for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
  • Growing Tree is expecting illnesses to occur that typically occur in “normal times”. We will continue to follow our health policy and always send children home exhibiting symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, headache with a stiff neck, pink eye, rash etc. They will be welcomed back when they are symptom free for 24 hours without medication or a medical professional written release to return to care.
  • Recommendation to staff and families: Please stay home if you feel ill.

Sanitation procedures:

  • Children and staff are required to wash their hands upon entry into the classroom, before and after going outside and eating, and after potty work and diaper changing.
  • All visitors are asked to use hand sanitizer upon entry.
  • Throughout the day, common areas, hard surface,s and high touch areas are scheduled to be cleaned and disinfected.
  • At the end of each day classroom toys are sanitized, all surfaces are cleaned and disinfected, lastly each room is fogged with VALOR CRUSH Anti-Microbial.

For more information use link to the Health & Safety Guidelines for Child Care and Early Education Operating During COVID-19 for your reference. (At top of this page).