Big Seed Room
Big Seed Room
Our Philosophy:
At Growing Tree, we believe that children learn best through play. Our teachers develop responsive relationships with children that create strong bonds. We know that at each stage of life, children take on special developmental tasks and challenges related to their social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. For our Big Seeds, this development in all these areas occurs as they use their senses to gain a sense of security and identity as they explore the world around them.
Nurturing Care:
During the first three years of life, infants and toddlers are learning who they are. In the Big Seed room, we continue our primary caregiving groups to allow for stable relationships between child and teacher. The interactions they have with their teachers help shape their sense of self and how they will relate to others. It is our job to allow time for each child, be dependable, use caring words, respect each child as an individual, and create a safe nurturing classroom.
Growth and Development
The Big Seeds are truly little explorers. They are busy practicing walking, running, climbing, and becoming very independent. They have started using intentional communication. It is also important during this stage of development that we recognize and show appreciation for all the new skills they have mastered.
Mobile Infants
10-12 months – 18 months
Child/Teacher Ratio 4:1

A Balanced Day:
Our teachers set a daily rhythm and routine for our Big Seeds that includes group time, individual time Storytime, outdoor play, meals and snacks, naps, and most especially, lots of play which is their work.