Growing Tree Children’s Center accepts children of all abilities into its Center. We collaborate with health professionals to meet the individual needs of all children and make the necessary exceptions and accommodations as needed within the boundaries set forth by the Office of Child Care.
To implement our philosophy, CHILDREN LEARN THROUGH PLAY, we care for children in a developmentally appropriate environment. Children are given choices. They can experiment and explore activities designed to meet their needs in all areas of development. The Center’s curriculum follows the Creative Curriculum model and is carefully planned by the teachers to offer choices designed to encourage physical skills, cognitive learning, problem solving and independence. Active physical play, conceptual learning, art, music, science, math concepts, literature and dramatic play are part of the daily program.
Opportunities for artistic expression are offered to children daily, from the simplest crayon and paper drawings to carpentry and multi technique projects such as finger painting and collage creation. Our philosophy is that the process is important, not the product, so children are usually given a variety of open-ended materials and encouraged to create what they will.
Curriculum varies according to age. As children mature, they engage in increasingly more intricate and challenging activities. Curriculum also varies from year to year, because no one group of children is like another. The flexibility allows our teachers the opportunity to assess the nature of their group and design their curriculum accordingly.

Classroom Screen Time Policy
Growing Tree does not allow screen time for children less than 3 years of age. For those age 3 years and up viewing time is limited to 30 minutes per week. Parents will be notified 24 hours prior to screen time. Notice will include subject matter to be viewed.